Friday, October 19, 2012

A Short Explanation

With my second post comes a confession:

I am obsessed with women's professional soccer.

It started last year with the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup, and worsened dramatically with the 2012 Olympics. Now, I spend an embarrassing amount of time on, on trying to make Youtube (which is sporadic at best on my computer) play ussoccerdotcom's videos, and on my Tumblr, which I use solely to follow various players' schedules, tweets, and photos (as well as for Andrea Gibson--see previous post). I reference players and particularly exciting games in daily life, usually to people who have no idea what I'm talking about and who could really care less. When I'm bored, I consider upcoming games, the latest roster and training camps, player nicknames, favorite moments, etc. If I am having a bad day, or just need to remember that goodness, beauty, and awesome still exist in the world, I watch soccer.

This might seem a little odd. That's okay. You will understand soon enough.

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